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Learning Paths For Stakeholders

Enterprise Software Developer

An established enterprise software developer had just installed its first learning management system and now needed to populate it for key employee groups but with what content? The company turned to ILG for help.

Three issues were apparent: 1) many of the company’s experienced employees were nearing retirement; 2) new hires lacked much of the knowledge and skills crucial to replacing them; and 3) the company had almost no structured, role-based learning, relying largely on ad hoc one-on-one training.

ILG interviewed 25 individuals representing the major roles across Sales, Software Development, and Customer Service groups. Interview data was analyzed to create impact maps defining the knowledge and skills each role needs to perform tasks critical to the business. From there, ILG developed learning paths that the roles must follow to attain their knowledge and skills.

Finally, ILG created one-page specification sheets outlining the learning solutions identified in the paths. Specifications include prerequisites, duration, delivery method, and learning elements, as well as high-level learning objectives and instructional strategies.

Together, these deliverables provided the company a blueprint to develop structured curricula for its key roles. Just as important, they identified the knowledge and skills of retiring employees that must be captured and formalized.

A woman and some of her coworkers smiling while working in a computer lab.

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