TransUnion’s financial services sales organization went through an extensive reorganization that required sales managers to play a more active role in coaching their sales teams. In order to provide the resources they needed to be effective coaches, ILG assisted the sales enablement team with a sales leader learning map. The map defined four types of learning offerings:
- Coaching Foundations: A series of short podcasts on specific coaching topics that can be accessed on-demand.
- Coaching Moments: A series of 60- to 90-minute lessons taught by leaders; each lesson provides a case study and an opportunity to practice.
- Coaching Resources Hub: A curated list of great articles, videos, and other materials from world-class experts.
- Sales Associate Leader Effectiveness Survey (SALES): An annual process for sales leaders to receive annual feedback and plan their individual improvement; sellers provide feedback in a survey about their individual experience with the sales leader; sales leaders take the feedback and prepare a detailed individual action plan targeting specific actions they will take.