2021 Brandon Hall Silver Award, Excellence in Learning Best Advance in Compliance Training
A multi-billion-dollar global healthcare company based in France is transforming scientific innovation into healthcare solutions around the globe. Dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges, the Company employs more than 100,000 people to provide healthcare solutions in 176 countries.
After assessing use of Human Error Prevention (HEP) at multiple sites, the Company has launched a harmonization initiative based on industry best practices for all manufacturing employees and managers. The Company came to Innovative Learning Group (ILG) to help with the initial design and development for a blended learning program.
The HEP learning program shifted from a reliance on in-person and site-specific training to a comprehensive blended solution, including performance support to provide flexibility and accessibility through more online learnings.
The design approach began with analysis of the existing courses, considering:
- Three target audiences: all new hires; any employees working as team, especially in manufacturing, operations, and facilities; and any managers or supervisors
- The best delivery methods to provide requisite knowledge and real-work examples to support compliance
- Performance support to ensure ongoing use of HEP tools and strategies
- Management involvement to drive HEP culture as a way to ensure compliance and ultimately patient safety
Starting with a focus on HEP purpose in reducing errors, the program then spotlights two tools that foster continual improvement: Pre-Job Briefing and Leader Coaching. Finally, a community of practice reinforces the deployment and the continuation across the company.
Delivery methods provide opportunities for learners to complete knowledge-based e-learning courses on their own time, followed by practice in instructor-led sessions with individual pre-work, and performance support available throughout completion of the program and beyond.
Development was completed quickly and iteratively. Subject matter experts, reviewers, and approvers represented a global cross-functional team from HEP, Learning and Development, and Quality.
By taking a hard look at the program and redesigning it with an eye to the future, the Company has created a more robust HEP training program that can easily reach thousands of employees globally with consistent messaging and ongoing support beyond training.
Because of the scrutiny required to revise the program with current constraints on in-person training, the caliber of the program has improved with a better blend of solutions that build from knowledge to application, and are more readily accessed and facilitated. This enables more employees to complete the program in a timelier fashion with aspects of the training such as e-learning courses in their control, and more opportunities for practice and real-work application built into the workshops. With this program, HEP philosophy will be more quickly adopted, which will lead to fewer deviations, better compliance, and safer products.
To learn more about how Innovative Learning Group can create custom learning solutions to help improve business results, contact us at info@innovativeLG.com.