Moderator Tom Petro and guests discuss gamification. Questions Tom asks include:
- What is gamification exactly?
- Did gamification just spring fully formed from the ground, or has it been around for a while?
- Why is gamification a valuable (or effective) technique in learning and development?
- Are games and gamification the same thing?
- If gamification for everyone or just Generation X?
- Is gamification just an e-learning thing, or can it be used in an in-person setting?
- What are some good applications for gamification techniques in learning and performance support?
- Comerica Bank Communication and Reporting Manager Gerret Peters
- Project Manager and Performance Consultant Mike Blahnik
- ILG Programmer Walter Schirmacher
- Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal
- The Gamification of Learning and Instruction by Karl M. Kapp
- Game Frame: Using Games as a Strategy for Success by Aaron Dignan
- Game Level Learn (Podcast by Jon Cassie)